Bobae Banjeom

Chinese go-to restaurant in our town

People who never stop trying to become the No.1 Chinese food brand

With a Korean-style Chinese food item that is beloved by Koreans, Bobae Banjeom is the representative Chinese franchise brand of Bobae F&B Co. Ltd., which provides the same taste at any branch through recipe and sourcing of all menus, and has high customer satisfaction, stable sales, and market competitiveness.

Bobae Banjeom, which became famous for ‘high-selling startup item’ by making record sales in every store it opens thanks to the head office’s active brand activation strategy, has secured a thorough 4Way sales structure of casual interior, hall service, delivery, and alcoholic beverages and strives to achieve coexistence with franchisees and sales drive with menu without strong likes or dislikes and cost-effective pricing policy.

With a goal of opening a total of 200 franchisees by the end of 2023, we have secured 160 franchise contracts nationwide as 1of July
and we are preparing to expand the master franchise business with the upcoming second brand into various overseas regions including Southeast Asia and North America.